Welcome all to a most Charismatic event, the first of many that we will host. This will be a standard VTES tournament.

We will have some nice gifts for the participants as well as the winners ofc. Hope to see alot of new faces and old ones as well.
Thank you BlackChantry.

Örebro – Brickebacken – ”Trädet”
Björkrisvägen 18
70234 Örebro
Buss 2-3 to Brickebacken from the train-station
will take you to the destination.

3 + Final
Time Limit 2h
Proxies are NOT allowed
Fee 100 SEK

There will be ample breaks for food, there is a cafeteria and grocery store nearby as well as a pizzeria within walking distance.

10.00 – 12.00 – Round 1
12.00 – 13.00 – Food break
13.00 – 14.00 – Round 2
14.15 – 16.15 – Round 3
16.15 – 18.00 – Food break
18.00 – 20.00 – Final round